Unit Visitations

Youth and Adult Eligibility Requirements can be found here

If you have any questions regarding the unit visit process, please email the elections team at inductions@saklanlodge.org

Unit elections are managed online using a web interface connected to the lodge’s record keeping application known as LodgeMaster. All elections procedures occur using the new induction portal.

Any elections not scheduled or performed outside this process, i.e., using the old PDF forms or forms found else where on the web will not be recognized as valid elections.

The Election Process

The unit leader on record with the council is receiving an email reminding them to schedule an election. The emails arrive continuously (currently every 14 days) until the unit either schedules a unit visit or contacts the election chair to decline an election for the current election period.

In the email reminder is a link titled Schedule Election. Clicking on this link opens a web page to assist with requesting a unit visit. Fill out the form with all required information. Be as accurate as possible. If the unit leader is not receiving these emails, please email the election team at inductions@saklanlodge.org and someone will provide the link for scheduling the election.

This starts the election process. The chapter affiliated with your district will receive an email indicating an election has been requested. They will form an election team and confirm a date that works for both the unit and the election team.

Once a date is confirmed and updated in LodgeMaster, a confirmation email will be sent to the unit leader email in the scheduling request.

Within 7 days of the actual election night, the unit leader will receive an email with a link titled Submit Eligible Youth. Clicking this link opens a web page allowing the unit to enter all their eligible youth members into the LodgeMaster application. The portal requires certain information so have your unit roster close by with BSA Id, DOB, names, addresses, ranks and email information.

If the youth members are not entered 24 hours prior to the unit election, the election cannot be held and must be rescheduled.

Once the election is complete, the election team will record the outcome and submit to the election chair for approval. Once approved, the unit leader will be emailed an Election Recap Report in their email with a link titled Nominate an Adult.

Adult recommendations are limited by the number of youth elected so it is recommended that the unit leader identify a priority for each adult being recommended, then enter them in order of their priority starting with their first priority recommendation and working down the list. Once an adult recommendation is submitted it cannot be undone by the unit leader.

Adult Recommendations

Adults (age 21 an older) are not considered candidates to the Order until they have been approved by the Supreme Chief of the Fire or his designate.

Election Night Procedures

Unit elections rules and procedures

  • Units cannot perform their own elections.
  • At least 50% of the active registered youth members under the age of 21 must be present on the night of the election. If the quorum is not present, the election cannot be held and must be rescheduled.
  • To be elected to the order, eligible youth (ages 11-17) and youth adults (ages 18-20) must receive 50% or more of the votes from the ballots turned in.
    • Scouts may vote for as many eligible scouts as they feel are worthy.
    • Scouts may vote for no one by turning in an empty ballot which does affect the vote.
    • Scouts may abstain from voting by not turning in a ballot which does not affect the vote.
  • Ballots are to be anonymous and no discussion should occur between scouts and unit leaders that could sway a youth’s vote
  • Ballots will leave the premises with the unit election team.
  • The election is final if at least one scout is elected.
  • If no scouts are elected, the unit may choose to perform the election one more time. If no scouts are elected the second time, the election is final.