Saklan Lodge 970 is the Order of the Arrow Lodge for the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council of Scouting America
Upcoming Events

To Ordeal Candidates:
Welcome to Saklan Lodge 970! We are excited for you to take your next step in Scouting, the induction into the Order of the Arrow. The Ordeal is a series of tasks designed to test your dedication to the ways of Scouting. Make sure to bring your normal camping supplies. We look forward to seeing you at the Ordeal!
If you or your parents have any questions about the Ordeal, contact our Lodge Chief or Lodge Adviser.
Saklan Lodge and the OA’s Mission
The mission of this lodge and the Order of the Arrow is to achieve the mission of Scouting America through transformative fellowship that ignites limitless Scouting journeys.

The Purpose of the OA:
As Scouting’s National Honor Society, we forge lifelong bonds among the leaders in Scouting and:
- Recognize those who exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and, through that recognition, cause others to act in the same way
- Reinforce a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others
- Create and deliver peer-led, adult-guided, advanced leadership experiences for Scouts and Scouters that positively impact their unit, community, and ultimately our nation
- Be an integral part of Scouting America and encourage participation in all it offers through units, outdoor adventures, and national events to further the Scouting experience